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The Rise of Kings

A thousand years since the remaking of the Old World, an assassination becomes the first thread in a steadily unravelling prophecy.
The only clue points to it being the work of the warring Tribes in the west, and a newly self-proclaimed king is determined to show his strength in revenge. But he will not stop there.
The king sends Arkus Galarus, General of the Caldoan Legions and hero of the Incursions, to the inhospitable desert wastes the Tribes call home, and there he discovers the truth.
War is coming to his world; a war far greater than the machinations of the king, and he alone can stop it.
For a darkness waits at the edges of the world, and its coming will herald the end.

The Hearts of Nations

Valgaard has fallen. The Free Cities are beset on all sides by the forces of the king, and the military alliance that binds them has begun to waver.

With Gerder forsaken and left to the mercies of the Legions, General Arkus Galarus and his meagre band of soldiers must fight on two fronts; against the Vahc horde in the west, and the Blacksand nomads in the south, if he has any chance of uniting the crumbling Cities.

But fear does strange things to men, and the few that could be called allies abandon all else to protect themselves.

A shadow haunts the General's every step, waiting.

And the darkness draws ever nearer.

The Drumming Skies





For beyond the lightning and jagged stone,

Darkness awaits the death of one.

The drumming skies herald its coming,

And its coming will herald the end.

This Button Will Do Nothing
Book no.1
Book no.2
Book no.3
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